The Son of the Widow
Through the Gospel Series: Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
Today in Calvary Kids, we learned that Jesus truly is the resurrection and the life. He is the one who has true power over life and death and can bring anyone back to life that He chooses. Not only did He raise a widow's son from actual physical death back to life, He has the ability to raise us from spiritual death to spiritual life as well!
Read Luke 7:11-17
Jesus had been traveling around a lot at this point and ended up in the city of Nain. He was being followed by a huge crowd of people because of the miracles He had been doing thus far.
As Jesus was coming near the gate of the city, He saw a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. He had great compassion on her and walked up to her son's coffin. As he touched the coffin, He said, "Young Man, I say to you, arise." This man sat up and began to speak and it was an absolute miracle to everyone around them to witness!
Jesus had never done anything like this before and the people truly knew there was something remarkable about this Jesus. He directly showed them in that moment that what He would do later on (dying on the cross and then being raised to life), was actually possible!
Do you realize that the same compassion that Jesus had for the loss this widow had gone through, is the same compassion that He has towards you in your life? He loves us so much that He took on our sins when He died on that cross so that we could be raised to life with Him. What a gift we have in knowing that our God has true power over life and death and desires for us to accept Him as our Savior so that we can have eternal LIFE with HIM.
Family Discussion:
1. If you could see one person in your family or one friend you have be saved, who would it be?
2. How many times can you ask God for help?
3. Do you know how to pray? When can you pray?
4. Have you ever told someone about Jesus?
Memory Verse:
"Then fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying "A great prophet has risen up among us"; and, "God has visited His people." Luke 7:16
Read Luke 7:11-17
Jesus had been traveling around a lot at this point and ended up in the city of Nain. He was being followed by a huge crowd of people because of the miracles He had been doing thus far.
As Jesus was coming near the gate of the city, He saw a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. He had great compassion on her and walked up to her son's coffin. As he touched the coffin, He said, "Young Man, I say to you, arise." This man sat up and began to speak and it was an absolute miracle to everyone around them to witness!
Jesus had never done anything like this before and the people truly knew there was something remarkable about this Jesus. He directly showed them in that moment that what He would do later on (dying on the cross and then being raised to life), was actually possible!
Do you realize that the same compassion that Jesus had for the loss this widow had gone through, is the same compassion that He has towards you in your life? He loves us so much that He took on our sins when He died on that cross so that we could be raised to life with Him. What a gift we have in knowing that our God has true power over life and death and desires for us to accept Him as our Savior so that we can have eternal LIFE with HIM.
Family Discussion:
1. If you could see one person in your family or one friend you have be saved, who would it be?
2. How many times can you ask God for help?
3. Do you know how to pray? When can you pray?
4. Have you ever told someone about Jesus?
Memory Verse:
"Then fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying "A great prophet has risen up among us"; and, "God has visited His people." Luke 7:16

Posted in Calvary Kids