The Pool at Bethesda
Jesus Brings Healing and Hope to a Dying World
Today, our Calvary Kids learned about Jesus’ third miracle recorded for us in the gospel of John. Some of the themes in this section are: hope, need, faith, love, compassion, priorities, and restoration.
Read John 5:1-15
In this passage, we see crowds of people who are blind, lame or paralyzed waiting for the chance to get into this pool because it was believed to have healing powers. The man in our story had been ill for thirty-eight years and was waiting for that same chance and did not want to suffer any longer with his infirmity. Jesus, seeing His need, healed Him right there on the spot and told him to pick up his mat and walk!
Instead of seeing the complete miracle that had happened before their eyes, the Pharisees complained that this man could not do work on the Sabbath. They had missed the whole point. Jesus healed this man because of the compassion He had towards Him and seeing that he had suffered for so long. He cared about this man's heart, not the law.
Jesus knows and sees what we need and is willing to help! We need to trust in coming to Jesus for prayer for anything that we need and also understand that sometimes waiting for an answer is okay. Sometimes in life we think that we can fix things on our own strength or by other means, but we should always remember to go to Jesus first for everything.
Family Discussion:
1. What would you want Jesus to heal in your life, or what would you like Jesus
to help you with?
2. Do you like when people help you, or do you like to do things on our own?
3. What is hope?
4. How can we put our hope in Jesus?
Memory Verse:
"Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately
the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked." John 5:8-9
Read John 5:1-15
In this passage, we see crowds of people who are blind, lame or paralyzed waiting for the chance to get into this pool because it was believed to have healing powers. The man in our story had been ill for thirty-eight years and was waiting for that same chance and did not want to suffer any longer with his infirmity. Jesus, seeing His need, healed Him right there on the spot and told him to pick up his mat and walk!
Instead of seeing the complete miracle that had happened before their eyes, the Pharisees complained that this man could not do work on the Sabbath. They had missed the whole point. Jesus healed this man because of the compassion He had towards Him and seeing that he had suffered for so long. He cared about this man's heart, not the law.
Jesus knows and sees what we need and is willing to help! We need to trust in coming to Jesus for prayer for anything that we need and also understand that sometimes waiting for an answer is okay. Sometimes in life we think that we can fix things on our own strength or by other means, but we should always remember to go to Jesus first for everything.
Family Discussion:
1. What would you want Jesus to heal in your life, or what would you like Jesus
to help you with?
2. Do you like when people help you, or do you like to do things on our own?
3. What is hope?
4. How can we put our hope in Jesus?
Memory Verse:
"Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately
the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked." John 5:8-9

Posted in Calvary Kids