Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness
Being Gentle Takes True Strength
It takes real strength to be gentle when other people aren’t so gentle to you. Gentleness takes strength that can only come from God. The more we grow in Christ, the gentler we will become.
Read Matthew 11:25-30
Jesus offers gentleness to us. He invites us to become his children. As we grow in our faith, he will teach us to be gentle. When someone is harsh with us, we will be gentle. When someone is hurting or suffering, we will be gentle. We can be the gentle hands that bring others to know the gentle shepherd.
It takes real strength to be gentle, but with Jesus’ help, we can have that gentleness. Let’s ask God to make us strong enough to be gentle. Let gentleness grow in your hearts so you can spread God’s love to those who need it.
Family Discussion Questions
Read Matthew 11:25-30
Jesus offers gentleness to us. He invites us to become his children. As we grow in our faith, he will teach us to be gentle. When someone is harsh with us, we will be gentle. When someone is hurting or suffering, we will be gentle. We can be the gentle hands that bring others to know the gentle shepherd.
It takes real strength to be gentle, but with Jesus’ help, we can have that gentleness. Let’s ask God to make us strong enough to be gentle. Let gentleness grow in your hearts so you can spread God’s love to those who need it.
Family Discussion Questions
- What does it mean to be gentle? (calm, mild, not harsh or severe)
- Share some examples of things that can be a burden to someone.
- Jesus said His yoke is easy and burden is light. What does this mean? (Jesus is our helper. Sometimes there are things in life that are hard for us to deal with, but we don’t have to carry those burdens alone. Jesus is there to help us if we will let him.)
- Jesus was gentle but he was also strong. It takes strength to be gentle. Who gives us the strength to be gentle in our responses to others? (Jesus, the Holy Spirit)
- Share some examples of how you can be gentle like Jesus is.

Posted in Calvary Kids