The Holy Spirit Comes

We wrapped up our Summer series with an important topic! The Holy Spirit.  

READ ACTS 2:1-12 to see how the Holy Spirit came to Earth and to the early Christians.  

When Jesus returned to God the Father, he sent God the Holy Spirit to Earth. The Spirit landed on each of the disciples in the upper room. He filled them with God’s presence. He gave them the power to speak the gospel in many languages. He gave them the courage to spread the gospel in spite of persecution.  

That same fire comes to us when we accept Jesus as our Savior. When you invite Jesus into your heart, it’s the Holy Spirit that comes inside. The Holy Spirit connects us to Jesus. He allows us to pray directly to the Lord. He fills us with power to do the work of the Lord, and he lights our path so we can follow God’s will.  

If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, the Holy Spirit is already dwelling within you. The same Spirit that helped the early church grow goes with you everywhere you go. The more you pray and spend time in God’s Word, the more you will feel his presence in your life. The Holy Spirit will guide you, protect you, and comfort you. He will be a constant reminder of the love and goodness of the Lord.  

If you’ve never received that Spirit, today is a great day to do so. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins and send his Holy Spirit to live with you.

Parents! The Holy Spirit comes when we accept Jesus as our Savior, but we only grow in the Spirit if we spend time with the Lord. Set aside some extra time this week for your own spiritual growth and encourage your kids to do the same!

Memory Verse
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6
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