The Triumphal Entry

READ LUKE 19:28-40 

Luke 19:28-40 takes us to a day when the people of Jerusalem burst into song. It’s one of the last happy, joyful days Jesus had before he went to the cross: the day he rode into Jerusalem.

What an amazing picture Luke gives us. First, we have Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. It was an entrance fit for a king – literally. In ancient times when a king came in peace, he rode on the back of a donkey as the people came out to greet him. Jesus chose to ride in on a donkey to let the people know their true king had come. In a spontaneous act of love and adoration, the people flooded the streets to greet Jesus. Everyone was singing, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Less than a week later, this same mob of people would be the one to condemn Jesus to die. As tragic as that story is, Jesus’ death would only give us more reason to sing his praises. Jesus willingly laid down his life so we could live forever with him. For that reason and so many more, we all need to lift our voices and praise the Lord.
Family Discussion starters:  

  1. How did Jesus enter Jerusalem?  
  2. What did the people do when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem?  
  3. Why were the people singing for Jesus?  
  4. What reasons do we have to praise Jesus? 

Parents! Is praise a part of your family’s spiritual life? Make it a point to sing praise and worship songs with your kids at home, in the car, or come join us on Sundays! (If you haven’t joined in on our kids’ worship time you are missing out!) Teach your kids that they can praise God anywhere they go.

Memory Verse
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

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