Jesus the Bread of LIfe

There’s nothing like a fresh s’more to fill your belly and warm you up at the end of a long day on a camping trip! But just like any other food we eat, a s’more can’t keep you full for long. We are all born with a hunger inside us. It’s not a physical hunger, but a spiritual hunger.

READ JOHN 6:25-40

There’s a hole in our hearts that can only be filled with one thing, and that’s Jesus. Jesus instituted communion the night before he was crucified, but long before that night, Jesus told people he was the bread of life. He is the bread that satisfies the spiritual hunger we all have.
Instead of filling that hole with Jesus, many people try to fill it with other things. They try false gods and false religions. They fill it with money, things, power, possessions. Some even try to fill it with themselves, making themselves their idol and god. Jesus tells his listeners that there is no substitute for himself. He is the only thing that can satisfy our hunger. He is all we need.

Family Discussion starters:  
  1. What bread did Jesus say we need? 
  2. What makes the bread of life different from regular bread? 
  3. How can we receive, and share, the bread of life?

Parents! Talk with your kids this week about what it means to give your life to Jesus. If you sense they are ready to make a decision for Christ, walk through that decision with them. If you aren’t sure how to have this conversation with them, our Calvary Kids Leaders are always ready and willing to help with this. If your child accepts Christ, let us know. We would love to gift them with a Bible and continue to pray for them!

Memory Verse
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Take-Home Sheets
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