Abram and Lot

Genesis 13:5–13, 14:14–16, 14:18, 14:21–23

We had a fun day celebrating moms! The kids planted sunflowers as a sweet Mother's Day gift. 

In our Bible reading this week we learned how looks can be deceiving. Sometimes when we make decisions based on what looks good, we end up choosing things that aren’t good at all.  

In our lesson focusing on Abram and Lot, we learned of a time when a bad choice led to some serious trouble. The land could not support them because they had so many possessions. Animals need to have grass and water. After a while, all the good grass was eaten, and there wasn’t enough water for all their animals to drink. This led to fighting between the servants who were caring for these animals.  

Abram suggested they split up and let Lot choose the land he wanted first. The land Lot chose was beautiful! It had plenty of water and looked like the garden of the Lord. So, Lot chose to go there. The Bible tells us that Abram settled in Canaan which was the land God promised to Abram. The land Lot chose was near Sodom where the people were wicked and sinful.

After Lot moved close to Sodom, he ended up in some serious trouble! He was captured, and all his possessions were taken. Abram heard what had happened, and rescued Lot and his family, and many others. Read Genesis 14:17-24 to find out the rest of the story!

Abram knew that God is faithful—that He always keeps His promises. So, he didn’t need to try and get what seemed like the best land for himself or take rewards from a wicked king. Abram trusted God. Lot, on the other hand, made a selfish choice. He chose the best-looking land for himself. And he didn’t take time to think about what would be best for his family. Instead, he chose to move near the wicked city of Sodom, which led to big problems. We all make choices every day—big, important ones and little ones. But whatever we have to decide, let’s trust God in our decision-making the way Abram did.

Family Discussion Questions:  
  1. Why did Abram and Lot need to separate from each other? The land couldn’t support all their animals. Their herdsmen were fighting. 
  2. Why did Lot choose to live near the wicked city of Sodom? It was well watered and looked the best. 
  3. What happened to Lot and the other people in Sodom when their king lost the battle? They were captured. 
  4. Why did Abram refuse to keep anything the king offered? He didn’t want to have anything to do with a wicked king.  
  5. Who made better decisions in today’s lesson: Abram or Lot? Abram. 

Memory Verse
Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. Genesis 12:1-2

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