Job's Suffering

Job 1:1–3, 1:6–22, 2:5–7
We took a quick break from our in-depth study of Genesis this week to study the book of Job. We got to see how Job’s faith and trust in God remained firm through some incredibly difficult circumstances.

Job loved God. The Bible also says that Job loved his children very much, and he honored God by making sacrifices to him for sin. He had all kinds of blessings from God. But God was going to allow Job’s life to change in a very big way! Job lost all he had because God allowed Satan to strike. After losing everything, he still trusted God, worshiped Him, and blessed His name. Job did not blame God. Job knew that the Lord had given him all of his gifts and blessings. And he knew the Lord could take them away!

God is all-powerful. Satan doesn’t have any power that God doesn’t let him have. God was in complete control of everything that happened to Job.  

This is a really hard lesson because we often think that if God loves us, He won’t let us suffer. We need to remember that God is perfectly wise and perfectly good, and He always knows what’s best. And we can trust Him—even when it’s hard for us to understand. A lot of terrible things happened to Job. But did you know that the last chapter of Job tells us that God blessed Job again? Job trusted God through all the horrible things that happened. And God blessed Job with twice as much as he had before. That doesn’t mean that God will give us all kinds of neat stuff and anything we want. We may never have the things we like or wish we could have. But that’s okay. God does promise something even better for those who trust Jesus to save them from their sin—and that’s eternal life!
Family Discussion Questions:  
  1. What did Job think of God? He loved and worshiped God. He trusted God. He feared God. 
  2. Who did Satan have to get permission from before he could do anything to Job? From God. 
  3. Who was in control when bad things started happening? God. 
  4. What did Job do when these terrible things happened? Did he curse God? He prayed and worshiped God. 
  5. What should we do even when we don’t understand what is happening? What did Job do? Trust God. Pray. Worship God. 

Memory Verse
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:1 & 11:6

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