Confusion: Dispersion at Babel
Genesis 9:1, 9:7, 11:1-9
God saved Noah and his family. They had lived on the Ark and not touched dry ground for more than a year! But what happened after they came off the Ark?
After the Flood, the people again rebelled against God. God had commanded that they should have families and spread across the entire world, but that isn’t what happened. They decided to build a city and tower at Babel to make a name for themselves. Because of this disobedience, God scattered the people by confusing the common language and creating new ones so they couldn't understand each other. Now there were many different languages. And as they left Babel, they found places where they could settle and live. They traveled across the world and formed different communities and nations.
The Bible tells us that we all sin. Many people do not believe what the Bible says. Most people don't like to hear about sin because they don't want to admit that they sin. If they admit they sin, then they have to admit they need God to forgive them. Most people would rather do what they want to do instead of pleasing and honoring God. And because of that, we all deserve God's punishment. But God has provided a way for sinners to be forgiven of sin. And that is through Jesus! All who are sorry for their sin and turn to Jesus in faith can be forgiven. They will never face God's punishment for sin because Jesus took it on Himself when He was crucified on the Cross. And that is the good news of the gospel!
I was able to visit the Nursery on Sunday and read to and color with some of our littlest Calvary Kids! What a blessing it is to be able to share Bible stories with these precious little ones... or simply just remind them that God loves them! Our time together on Sunday mornings is spent pointing these kids to Jesus… and that includes our Nursery. They are never too young to start building a relationship with Jesus!
Here are some ways you can pray with your kids this week:
Memory Verse
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:1 & 11:6
Take-Home Sheets
God saved Noah and his family. They had lived on the Ark and not touched dry ground for more than a year! But what happened after they came off the Ark?
After the Flood, the people again rebelled against God. God had commanded that they should have families and spread across the entire world, but that isn’t what happened. They decided to build a city and tower at Babel to make a name for themselves. Because of this disobedience, God scattered the people by confusing the common language and creating new ones so they couldn't understand each other. Now there were many different languages. And as they left Babel, they found places where they could settle and live. They traveled across the world and formed different communities and nations.
The Bible tells us that we all sin. Many people do not believe what the Bible says. Most people don't like to hear about sin because they don't want to admit that they sin. If they admit they sin, then they have to admit they need God to forgive them. Most people would rather do what they want to do instead of pleasing and honoring God. And because of that, we all deserve God's punishment. But God has provided a way for sinners to be forgiven of sin. And that is through Jesus! All who are sorry for their sin and turn to Jesus in faith can be forgiven. They will never face God's punishment for sin because Jesus took it on Himself when He was crucified on the Cross. And that is the good news of the gospel!
I was able to visit the Nursery on Sunday and read to and color with some of our littlest Calvary Kids! What a blessing it is to be able to share Bible stories with these precious little ones... or simply just remind them that God loves them! Our time together on Sunday mornings is spent pointing these kids to Jesus… and that includes our Nursery. They are never too young to start building a relationship with Jesus!
Here are some ways you can pray with your kids this week:
- Thank God that we can understand the world around us by studying the Bible.
- Thank God for His plan of salvation that provided Jesus Christ to take the punishment for sin of all who will believe in Him.
Memory Verse
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:1 & 11:6
Take-Home Sheets
Posted in Calvary Kids