Noah's Ark

Genesis 6:14-16, 6:19-20, 7:2  
We continued our study through Genesis this week, focusing again on Noah and the Flood. We talked about the difference between the cartoon images we see and the actual description of the real Ark from the Bible. Many people don't realize that the Ark was actually a big ship. Sometimes when we see these cartoon images of Noah and the Ark, we forget just how catastrophic the Flood really was.  

Before the Flood began, God spoke to Noah. In Genesis 6:14-16, God gives Noah the specific instructions he would need to build an Ark fit for the catastrophic global flood. God knew exactly what was needed for Noah, his family, and the animals to survive. This was a HUGE ship designed by God!  

We talked about all the different animals that God brought to the Ark. We even played a fun game of animal charades where the kids acted out several different kinds of animals.  

Noah was a great example for all of us the way he trusted, followed, and served God. He obeyed even though he didn’t always understand God’s reasons.  

Family Discussion Questions:  
  1. How did Noah know the right size and shape for the ark? God told him exactly what to do. 
  2. What did God send to the ark before the flood began? Animals. 
  3. What kind of ark did God tell Noah to build? A little ark or a huge one, like a strong ship? A huge one, like a strong ship. 
  4. How do we know these things about the real ark? It’s in the Bible. 
  5. We can trust God. He is faithful to keep His what? Promises.                       
Memory Verse
I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. 
John 10:9

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