God Saves Noah

Genesis 7:1-7, 7:11-12, 7:21, 8:6-11 
This week we had a “Fun Facts” pop quiz about Noah and the Flood! It was boys against girls to see how much they knew BEFORE we started the lesson and filled in the gaps. The kids always have fun when there is friendly competition involved. The boys and girls tied both services, and we were very impressed with how much they already knew.  

In our lesson it was important for the kids to understand that the story of Noah was not JUST a story, it was a real historical event!
God told Noah to build an Ark in order to save him and his family from the catastrophic flood that would destroy the rest of the world. Noah was given specific dimensions, because God knew exactly what would be needed to protect everyone on board. What a wonderful example of faith and obedience that Noah showed in this story! He built it exactly as God instructed.  

Once the Ark was complete God sent Noah, his family, and at least 2 of each kind of animal safely inside. Can you imagine how scary it must have been when the flood began? The Bible tells us how the “fountains of the great deep burst forth. The windows of the heavens were opened.” Water not only fell from the sky, but it was bursting up out of the ground!  

The whole earth was covered with water. Noah saw nothing but water out of his window, not even mountains! But finally the catastrophe was over. The Lord told Noah that he, his family, and all the animals could safely leave the Ark and start life all over again.    

Family Discussion Questions:  

  1. Why did God send the flood to destroy the earth? Because of sin 
  2. What did Noah think of God? He loved God. He believed in God and obeyed Him.  
  3. What other people were on the ark with Noah? His family – his wife, three sons, and the sons’ wives. 
  4. Where do we find the truth about the flood? The Bible 
  5. God saved Noah from the punishment of sin. Who did God send to the world to save sinners like you and me? Jesus

Memory Verse
Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

Take-Home Sheets
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