Catastrophe: The Flood

Genesis 6:5-9, 6:13-14; Romans 3:23; John 3:16, 10:9

God brought a worldwide flood as punishment for the sin and wickedness in the world. God is holy, He is unique in every way and cannot be compared to anything in His creation. Because of this, He has no sin in Him. God is also just, so it is good and right that He punishes sin. He saw that all the people were wicked and evil on the earth! But there was someone on earth who was righteous, someone who loved, trusted, and pleased God. That man was Noah.  

God gave Noah a very big job. God told him to build an Ark, and bring his wife and sons, their wives, and 2 of every kind of animal onto the Ark with him. Noah and his family and the animals would be saved from the worldwide flood!  

The Bible tells us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This includes Noah! God showed him mercy, and He is also merciful to us.  

Just as God saved Noah, He has shown His mercy to us by sending his Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to make a way for sinners to be saved from the horrible punishment for sin.  

We have so much fun on Sunday mornings! Whether it be through worship, spending time in the word, or reinforcing the lesson through fun crafts and activities. We also allow time for the kids to fellowship with one another. We often have sweet conversations, group prayer, build Legos together, and games! Check out some of the fun from Sunday in the pictures below!  

Family Discussion Questions:  

  1. Who is always in control of everything, even catastrophes? God 
  2. What did God see in the people’s hearts that was so bad? Sin 
  3. Who did God show mercy to and save from the flood? Noah 
  4. What did Noah think of God? He loved God. He obeyed God. 

Memory Verse
Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

Take-Home Sheets
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