Effects of the Fall

Genesis 2:16-17, 3:14-18; 3:23; Revelation 21:1, 21:4

The day that Adam and Eve disobeyed God has been called the saddest day in the history of the universe. God had given them a perfect creation–no death, disease, or suffering. They had been given dominion over the animals and were told to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). However, Eve was tempted by the serpent (Satan) and ate the fruit that God had forbidden them to eat. Adam joined her in her rebellion, and the world has never been the same.

Sin caused pain, suffering, and sadness to enter God’s perfect creation… But wait!

Our God is a loving and merciful God. He sent Jesus, His Son, to die and take the punishment for sin. Now anyone can have forgiveness of their sins. The Bible says if we trust Jesus and believe what the Bible says about Him, we can be forgiven. And sinners who are forgiven through Jesus become children of God and will one day be with God in heaven!

On Sunday, after learning about the corruption of sin, we did a fun activity to help focus their attention on the Gospel. We taped hearts with crosses all around the room, and the kids were told to go pick one and return to their seats. We talked about how our sin separates us from God, but He showed His love for us when he sent Jesus to die on the cross for sinners. He doesn't want us to be separated from Him. The heart and the cross remind us how much He loves each one of us.

Ask your kids these questions:

  1. What does sin do? Who does it keep us apart from? It keeps us apart from God.
  2. Who will be with God forever? God’s children. Those who turn from sin and trust in Jesus to be saved.

Memory Verse
Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

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