Saul's Conversion (PreK/Toddler)

This week, Calvary Kids Preschoolers learned about Saul's conversion from being a persecutor of Christians to becoming a believer himself - an amazing transformation that only God could do!

Read Acts 9:1-31

After Saul's incredible encounter with Jesus, his heart was transformed and he soon began preaching and sharing the good news about Jesus. No longer would he persecute people for their belief in Jesus. Instead, he would dedicate his life to encouraging others to believe in Jesus. And Saul was given a new name - Paul. Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write 13 books of the New Testament.

It might seem impossible that a person could have such an extreme transformation, but anything is possible with God! When we allow Jesus to come into our lives and surrender our hearts to him, He begins transforming our hearts too.

Family Discussion
  • Would you like to see someone you know changed? Did you know you can pray for them anytime? 
  • What do you think it was like to not see for three days? 
  • What if God wanted you to be nice to a bully? 
  • Do you think God could change the heart of someone who is mean?

Memory Verse
Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized. Acts 9:1