Seven Chosen and Stephen's Boldness

This week in Calvary Kids, we learned about the apostles finding leaders to help them with the growing ministry of the church. One of those leaders, Stephen, was very bold for the Lord with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Read Acts 6 & 7

The apostles could not do everything themselves and realized they needed other leaders in place to help minister to the people and share the word of God. Seven men were chosen to lead, and the apostles prayed and laid their hands on them. As a result, the word of God spread and people were growing in the faith while being used by the Lord.

This is a lot like churches today. The pastor has a team of elders. Those elders are chosen to help make big decisions in church. They pray together and have meetings to talk about how to share the word of God and serve the people, and others are chosen to lead smaller ministries within the church to further the word of God and help people to grow in Christ.

Stephen was one of the men chosen to serve. Stephen was filled with God's grace and power and led by Holy Spirit. Some of the religious leaders argued with Stephen and, finding that they could not win an argument against him, they decided to lie about him, stirring up the people, and ultimately stoning him to death.

Stephen died proclaiming the greatness of the Lord, and although that may not seem at first like a happy ending, it truly was a most glorious day for Stephen when he got to meet Jesus face-to-face. It's important to remember that God has a plan - sometimes we understand what He is doing and other times we do not. This is where faith comes in. Faith that God is in control and we can trust in Him. Stephen definitely trusted the Lord. He even asked God to not hold their sin against them. He was already forgiving them. Stephen loved the Lord and it showed.  

Family Discussion
  • How do you think you can help serve others? 
  • Have you ever been given a big job to do? What was it and how did it go? 
  • Can it be scary to share Jesus with others? 
  • How can we learn to trust God? 
  • How do we grow our faith? 
  • Have you ever faced a hard time? If so, how did God help you through it? Did you ask God to help you? 

Memory Verse
So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7
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