The Holy Spirit Comes/The Church Starts (PreK/Toddler)

Today in Calvary Kids, we get to see the completion of Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit to His disciples. We get to see the start of the church here! We do read about
synagogues that the Jewish people went to, but this was the beginning of something different and something new. In this chapter we’ll see how the church started and where it started.

Read Acts 2:1-12 and 37-47

Can you imagine sitting in a room with your friends when all of a sudden a rushing
mighty wind comes in the room? What do you think that sounded like? Then there were divided tongues of power that sat upon each of them and they were immediately filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in different tongues. Can you imagine what this would have been like? God has so much power and He was giving them the power of the Holy Spirit to go out and essentially speak the gospel to everyone in their own tongue.

A multitude of people gathered around and were amazed and confused at the same time as to what was going on. This is when Peter spoke up in verses 14-39 and preached to them a sermon. After he spoke to them, many were cut to the heart and asked what they needed to do. Peter urged them to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is for all of us and that is amazing! God wants all of us to come to repentance and accept Him!

This started a movement! We are going to start seeing the work and power of the Holy
Spirit through the people, going from Jew, then to Gentile! Three thousand people in verse 42 were saved that day! Can you imagine what that would be like to see a multitude of people give their lives to the Lord at once? This is so exciting!

After this, people started meeting from home to home and got together to prayer and break bread together! Everyone gave of their possessions to share with those around them and they all treated each other like a family! This is amazing to see the work that the Lord did in each individual's heart. Church is not about the building, but about the people of God. When we gather together, we are THE CHURCH. Daily, people continued to be saved and the church grew more and more.

Family Discussion:
1. What is your favorite part about coming to church?

2. What is the gift the Jesus promised again? And who can receive this gift

3. What do you think the Holy Spirit can give you power to do?

4. How can we share Jesus with others? Are there ways we can share without even talking?

5. Is there someone you know that you can invite to church?

Memory Verse:
"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the
breaking of bread, and in prayers." Acts 2:42