Woman at the Woman

Through the Gospel- Woman at the Well
Our Calvary Kids Ministry were taught about the interaction between Jesus and the Samarian woman at the well. This lesson teaches us that through our faith we are able to worship God everywhere and that anyone who believes can worship God.

Read John 4: 1-42

In this passage we were able to look into how Jesus needed to go through this region, not because it was the shortest route for his plan, but that it was all apart of his plan to spread his message to Samaria, leading to many people believing. Jesus came to save everyone so when he is talking to the woman, she asks why He would ask her for a drink and he begins to explain his message to her. Jesus brings living water that brings everlasting life through faith in him. He also mentions how any person, no matter the type of person, can worship God if they believe in Him and that this worship can be anywhere and isn't limited to just churches and temples. God is Spirit so those who worship must also worship in spirit and truth.

Family Discussion: 
  • Where does Jesus say we are allowed to worship? ( Everywhere)
  • Who is allowed to worship? (Everyone who believes and worships by the spirit)
  • What type of water does Jesus give us? ( Living water of faith, that can spring up into everlasting life) 
  • What different ways can we give glory to God? ( Prayer, singing worship, read te Bible and talk about it with friends and family)

Memory Verse-
...but whoever drinks of the water I shall give them will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.
John 4:14