Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness

God Wants Us to Do Good Things for Others

Read Matthew 5:15

Goodness is the sixth fruit of the Spirit. It means that we are doing good for someone  
else like helping them in some way or giving to them. The Bible says, we are to do good to others. Matthew 5:16 says, “In the same way, let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your Father who  
is in Heaven.”
When we do good things, the people around us take notice. Watching us shine our lights can help others to know about God. Think of someone you can do good to this  
week. It could be someone in your family, a friend, or a neighbor. When you choose to  
show goodness to that person, you are showing that you have the fruits of the Spirit in  
your heart.

Family Discussion
  • What does it mean to show goodness? 
  • Who can you do something good for this week? 
  • What do people see when we share our goodness? 
  • Can you name the six fruits of the Spirit we have learned? 

Memory Verse
But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself. Galatians 5:22-23