Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

Jesus Gives Me Joy

Read Galatians 5:22-23 and Romans 5:13

In Calvary Kids Preschool, children are learning about the fruit of the Spirit, and that this fruit is  not like grapes or oranges that we eat. The fruit of the Spirit is, instead, like food for your heart. Last week, we learned about love and this week, the focus was on joy.
God made us to have all kinds of feelings. If you fall down and get hurt, you might feel  
sad. If you’re playing with your toys, you might feel happy. If there was a thunderstorm, you might feel scared.
Joy is so much more than being happy or sad or scared. When we feel a certain way,  
we don’t necessarily feel that way later. Feelings come and go. Joy is something in our  
hearts that can make us know everything is okay, no matter if we are sad or happy or  
Our joy shouldn’t stay hidden. Jesus gives us joy so we should show it. Let your joy  
bubble up out of your heart and help you have a good attitude. This helps others see  
Jesus in us.
Family Discussion 
  • What are the first two fruits of the Spirit? 
  • How is joy better than happiness? 
  • Who gives us joy? 
  • What does the joy in our hearts show others? 

Memory Verse
But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself. GALATIANS 5:22-23
