The Resurrection

Jesus Loved Us Enough to Die and Rise Again

During the "Jesus Fixed It" series, Calvary Kids Preschoolers have learned how Jesus can fix any problem, big or small. This Sunday, preschoolers learned that Jesus can even fix our biggest problem: sin. Sin is all the bad things we have done, and the ways we have failed to be perfect. Sin keeps us away from God. But God loves us. He sent Jesus to fix it.

Read John 20:1-23 
If we believe in Jesus – that he died for us and that he is alive again – we can be  
forgiven of our sins and live with Jesus forever. Our sin was a big problem. But Jesus fixed it. For you, for me, and for everyone. Jesus is alive! Jesus fixed it so we can be with Him forever.

Family Discussion
  • Why was Mary Magdalene sad? 
  • What did the two angels say to Mary? 
  • Who did Mary see alive? 

Memory Verse
I called out to you for help. And you healed me. Psalm 30:2b
