Jesus Raises Lazarus

Nothing is Impossible with Jesus

John 11:1-44

Mary and Martha were sisters. They had a brother named Lazarus who was very sick.  
They called for Jesus to come, because they knew that Jesus had the power to heal  
their brother. 
When Jesus arrived, Lazarus was dead. Mary and Martha were very sad. They knew  
Jesus had the power to heal a sick person, but no one was powerful enough to bring a  
dead person back to life. But they were wrong! Nothing is impossible for Jesus to fix. 
They went to the cave where Lazarus was buried. Jesus told them to move away the  
stone from the front of the cave. Jesus prayed. Then Jesus said, “Lazarus, come out of  
And Lazarus came out of there! He was all wrapped up in his grave clothes. He was alive! Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead. They took off Lazarus’ grave clothes and let him go. Jesus can do anything. Nothing is impossible for Jesus to fix.

Family Discussion
  • What was the name of Mary and Martha's brother? 
  • Why were Mary and Martha sad? 
  • How did Jesus fix things for Mary and Martha? 

Memory Verse
I called out to you for help. And you healed me. Psalm 30:2b
