A Basket in the River

This week, Calvary Kids preschoolers learned that Moms are a gift from God, that God gave us Moms to care for us and their love for us shows us that God loves us too!

Read Exodus 2:1-10

In Exodus 2 we read about a loving Mom who cared for her baby. Jochebed was an Israelite who had a baby boy named Moses. God had big plans for Moses. He wanted Moses to save the Israelites from the Egyptians who were holding them prisoner. But Jochebed had to hide Moses or the Egyptians would hurt him.
Jochebed hid the baby until he was too big to hide. She sent Moses’ sister to hide the baby in a basket in the river, and the king of Egypt’s daughter found him. Because of Jochebed’s love for Moses, her baby was adopted by the princess, and he was saved! When Moses grew up, God used him to save his people.
Family Discussion
  • Who was Jochebed? 
  • What did Jochebed do to protect her son Moses?  
  • What can we do to show our Moms we love them? 

Memory Verse
Honor your father and mother, just as the Lord God has commanded you. Deuteronomy 5:16a