Triumphal Entry

Jesus Came on a Mission to Earth to be our Savior

Read Matthew 21:1-26

Jesus asked some of his friends to borrow a donkey, so He could ride it into Jerusalem. When the people in town heard Jesus was coming, they wanted to celebrate Him as their King. They made a parade for Him. They laid their coats down to make a path. They also cut down palm branches and added them to the road. They waved other palm branches and shouted, “Hosanna!” as He rode the donkey into town. Hosanna means, “God save us.”  

But some people were angry and scared. They didn’t want to believe that Jesus was really God’s Son. So they made a plan to get rid of Jesus. They made up lies about Jesus and had soldiers arrest Him. Jesus had not done anything wrong. But the crowds demanded that He have a punishment. His punishment was death. It’s hard for us to understand why this would happen, but it was all part of God’s plan. When Jesus died on the cross, He took the punishment for our sins. Sin is the bad choices that we make, the things we do that go against what God wants. The only way we can get rid of our sins is to follow Jesus.

When Jesus died on the cross, He rose again, alive, three days later! Jesus conquered death. He took the consequences of our sin, blessing us with the gift of salvation and eternal life when we put our faith and trust in Him.

Family Discussion:
  • What did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
  • What two things did the people use to make a path for Jesus?
  • What did the people shout when Jesus came?
  • Because Jesus died on the cross, what did He do for us?

Memory Verse
He is not here; he has risen. Matthew 28:6a