The Only God

Read 1 Kings 18:18-39

Elijah believed in the one true God, but the people around him did not. They carved images out of stone and wood and pretended that those were gods. They did not worship the one true God. Elijah suggested a contest between God and Baal. The prophets were to pray to Baal, and Elijah would pray to God. The one who would send fire from heaven to burn the sacrifice would prove to be the one true God.  The people agreed.

The people who did not worship the one true God went first. They called out to their images made of stone and wood to bring down fire from heaven. But nothing happened.
Elijah prayed, and as the people looked on, God sent fire down from Heaven to burn the wood, sacrifice, the dirt, and to dry up all the water.  The prophets of Baal could not even get dry wood to start on fire, but God did something pretty amazing with a bunch of wet wood and a drenched altar. This proved without a doubt that the Lord is the one true God and there is no other. 

Family Discussion: 
  • Did Elijah worship the one true God? What did the other people worship? 
  • What happened when Elijah asked God to send down fire?
  • How can we show God that we love him and know he is the one true God?

Memory Verse
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love Him with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5
